Akhuti – our first visit

ავტორი chkhorotskuge

The village of Akhuti was the domain of the Jayans. There are several historical monuments, the strongest cave and beautiful views


Church of the Savior. One-nave basilica
Photo by Roman Tolordava.

Nazodelavo Cave
Another good photo of Roman Tolordava.

Ode of Kukhalashvilis

photo of Roman Tolordava.

These are already our shots. An old house in heaven

Up close

Natural tunnel

Gogoleti Basilica Church. It dates back to the seventeenth century, although some scholars and locals believe it is much earlier (tenth to eleventh centuries).
The church is located next to the cemetery, below you will find more photos

Gogoleti Church is being restored


The upper part of Gogoleti— ახუთი / Akhuti

The old stone of the cemetery

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Jaiani Fortress in the village of Noga (Martvili district) View from Akhuti. It is worth coming here later if I can

Village views

This building was historic
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